The Reign of the Oligarchs

Through a combination of Russian interference: an under-educated segment of our population swayed by catch phrases and slogans; because logic, observation, and study is too boring, or too difficult: and the machinations of a loud mouth, reality TV star, whose sole drive in life is to prove that nothing of his is too small- we now have the reign of the oligarchs in the United States.

Our Executive Branch today is nothing more than a large group of self-serving manipulators and liars bent on dismantling the Federal Government in order to, according to them, get government off the backs of the people, so that the people can be free. In reality, their intent is to remove government oversight, so they can plunder freely, without government interference, and without thought, or care, about the future: a zero sum game in which they win, and the rest of us lose. As Ike Clanton put it in the movie Tombstone, “Law don’t go round here, Law Dog!”

How else can we explain the installation of heads of government such as an E.P.A. director who feels that the job of the E.P.A. is to fight the scientific consensus that human burning is affecting the climate and jeopardizing our great grandchildren’s future? In fact, each appointment of a Department head by Donald Trump, no matter what the department, has had as its intent the dismantling of that department, and the cessation of the work intended for that department. Is it any wonder that people within those departments do all they can to leak the truth to the rest of us?

I applaud the leakers within the Trump government. Oligarchs and Fascists want to bury the truth, or engineer it to suit their ends: the real truth tellers are the ones who won’t let the facts die, even if it exposes them to the retribution of their masters. The people within this government who leak information are the resistance, and we need them more than we need Trump, or his appointments, because the resistance here are public servants who oppose the work of the self-servants.

Even while the rest of us are forced to capitulate to the Oligarchs, the resistance carries on, and we, the people, must support them, however we can, and bide our time until the Oligarchs become vulnerable again in 2018. Even if we can’t remove their figurehead until 2020, we can turn him into a eunuch, and that will be the most fitting reward we can bestow upon him.

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